A cow elk in Colorado injures second child within days, a 4-year-old boy

According to wildlife authorities, a cow elk attacked a 4-year-old boy on Monday, resulting in his injury. This incident marks the second time within a week that a child has been attacked by an animal in Colorado.

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The Colorado Parks & Wildlife reported through a news release that at approximately 1:30 p.m. MDT, witnesses saw the boy at a playground in Stanley Park, located near Estes Park.

According to KDVR-TV, a family member successfully frightened off a cow elk after it attacked a boy. The boy was then taken to a nearby hospital where he received treatment and was released on Monday evening.

According to a news release by Colorado Parks & Wildlife, cow elk can exhibit aggression towards perceived threats while their newborn calves are immobile. The release advises people to be vigilant while spending time outdoors as calves may be concealed in the vicinity, and cow elk can charge from a considerable distance.

According to a report by KUSA-TV, a cow elk chased an 8-year-old girl who was riding her bicycle in her neighborhood on May 30. This incident marked the second attack in Estes Park in just one week.

According to Kara Van Hoose, a spokesperson for CPW, it is crucial to respect trail closure signs when encountering them. Elk can be incredibly aggressive, and they are both large and fast, meaning they can quickly run towards you. As a result, it is essential not to attempt to cross a closed-off trail, assuming that it is safe to do so.

Estes Park Police Department spokesperson Kate Miller described both incidents as “frightening experiences” and advised locals to exercise caution when coming across these animals.

According to Miller, elk are an integral part of Estes Park’s scenery, and this incident serves as a reminder that they are wild creatures with unpredictable behavior. “Every year, especially during the spring calving and fall mating seasons, we take measures to educate our community on the importance of exercising caution,” Miller shared with KUSA.

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