Rokita: “in the Hutchens case, the juvenile court did not abuse its discretion.”

According to the Attorney General for the state of Indiana, Todd Rokita, he does not think that the juvenile court abused its discretion when it waived Anthony Hutchens’ case to adult court. This statement was included in an appellee brief released on Monday morning.

According to Rokita, trying Hutchens as an adult is crucial for ensuring the safety of the community.

Agreeing with the court’s decision, he acknowledged that Hutchens would require additional rehabilitative treatment that the juvenile court was not equipped to provide.

At present, Hutchens is being held in a juvenile facility that falls under the jurisdiction of the Indiana Department of Corrections.

The court hasn’t made its final decision yet. Both the state and Hutchens’ legal team have presented their arguments, and now the court will review them to determine whether to grant or deny Hutchens’ appeal.

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