10 Most Dangerous Cities in Thailand (Updated 2023)

Every year, Thailand attracts millions of visitors who are allured by its vibrant culture, stunning scenery, and mouth-watering cuisine. This beautiful nation is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves to explore the world and experience new things. From the bustling streets of Bangkok to the tranquil beaches of Phuket, Thailand offers a diverse range of experiences that cater to every type of traveller. So, pack your bags, and get ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime in the land of smiles.

Like any other country, it experiences its fair share of crime and violence.

According to recent statistics, in 2021, Thailand had an estimated 17 cases of crimes related to the body, sex, or life per 100,000 people. Additionally, there were roughly 52 cases of property-related crimes per 100,000 people. These figures provide insight into the current state of crime in Thailand and highlight the need for continued efforts to maintain public safety and security.

In this piece, we will take a closer look at the top 10 cities in Thailand that are considered to be the most hazardous.

10 Cities in Thailand with High Crime Rates

While Thailand is known for its stunning beaches, rich culture, and friendly locals, it’s important to note that the crime rates can vary greatly depending on the area. As a tourist, it’s crucial to take precautions and stay aware of your surroundings in order to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Living or visiting certain cities can be a risky proposition due to high incidences of theft, burglary, assault, and even murder. This can be a serious concern for both residents and tourists alike.

Taking a closer look at these cities and understanding what makes them more dangerous than others in Thailand is crucial.

Nakhon Si Thammarat

Located in the southern region of Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammarat is a province that boasts of its unique attractions and rich culture.

Regrettably, it has become infamous for being the most violent province in the country, with numerous homicides and violent crimes being reported annually.

If you plan to visit Nakhon Si Thammarat, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety.

When it comes to travelling, it’s always better to err on the side of caution. If you’re out and about at night, it’s best to have company or stay in well-lit and heavily populated areas. To avoid attracting unwanted attention, it’s also a good idea to keep your valuables out of sight. By taking these simple precautions, you can minimize the risk of encountering any potential dangers while travelling.

It is important to acknowledge that although violent crime is a worry, numerous tourists have visited Nakhon Si Thammarat and had a pleasant experience without any unfortunate occurrences.

To fully experience the picturesque natural beauty, historical landmarks, and cultural richness of the province, visitors must take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and security.

Chon Buri

Located on the eastern coast of Thailand, there is a vibrant city known as Chon Buri.

This destination is a popular spot known for its immaculate shorelines, vibrant nightlife, and rich historical landmarks.

The city is unfortunately known for its high crime rate, as indicated by its crime rate index of 62.50.

The main problem that Chon Buri faces is theft in public places with high foot traffic.

It’s always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to cash and valuables. To avoid any potential loss or theft, it’s advisable to refrain from carrying large amounts of cash or any valuable items with you. This is especially important when you’re visiting markets, shopping centres, or using public transportation. Keep a close eye on your belongings at all times, and be mindful of any suspicious activity around you. By taking these simple precautions, you can ensure that your trip is a safe and enjoyable one.

Chon Buri is known to have a high occurrence of drug-related crimes.

It is strongly advised that tourists stay away from engaging in illegal activities in Thailand due to the country’s strict penalties, which can lead to imprisonment or even death. It is important to be aware and respectful of the laws and culture of the country when visiting.


Located in the southernmost province of Thailand, Krabi is a charming coastal town that boasts of picturesque views.

Tourists flock to the town to bask in the beauty of its beaches, forests, and rock formations. These natural wonders are renowned and never fail to captivate visitors.

If you’re planning a trip to Krabi, it’s important to keep in mind that the town has a crime index of 53.31, which indicates a moderate level of crime. Stay alert and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety during your stay.

Krabi is facing a significant challenge of robbery, particularly in areas that are isolated or deserted. The situation worsens during the late hours of the night when the streets are less populated.

It’s important for tourists to be cautious of scams that are commonly found in the tourism industry, such as taxi services that charge exorbitant prices and tour operators who are not truthful in their offerings. Being aware of these scams can help visitors avoid falling victim to them and enjoy a hassle-free vacation.

To ensure your safety and avoid getting scammed, it’s crucial to stick with reputable tour operators and transportation services. By doing so, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re dealing with legitimate companies and individuals who prioritize your safety and well-being. Don’t take risks by going with unknown or unverified sources, as they may be con artists looking to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists. Always prioritize your safety and only work with established and trustworthy tour operators and transportation services.


Located in the east of Thailand, Rayong is a bustling port city that draws visitors from all over the world. Its popularity as a tourist destination is well-deserved, thanks to its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant atmosphere. Whether you’re looking to relax on the beach, explore local markets, or indulge in delicious cuisine, Rayong has something for everyone. So why not plan your next vacation to this exciting city and experience all that it has to offer?

Tourists flock to the city for its stunning beaches, delectable seafood, and awe-inspiring natural beauty.

Visitors to the city should be aware that while its crime rate index is 47.48, it still falls within the range of moderate crime rates.

The drug trade in Rayong involves a significant number of people who are engaged in the production or distribution of banned substances.

In certain areas of the city, corruption is prevalent and often linked to bribery.

As a responsible traveller, it is imperative to steer clear of illegal substances and stay vigilant of individuals offering bribes or engaging in corrupt activities. It is important to remember that such actions not only put your safety at risk but also contribute to the perpetuation of illegal practices. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being by staying away from any involvement in such activities. By doing so, you can ensure a more enjoyable and fulfilling travel experience.


Located in the central region of Thailand, Nonthaburi is situated to the north of Bangkok.

The city is renowned for its stunning parks, gardens, and rich cultural and historical landmarks.

It’s important for those traveling to Nonthaburi to be aware that the city’s crime rate is moderate, with an index of 46.81. This means that while there may be some crime in the area, it’s not necessarily any higher than what you might encounter in other cities. It’s always a good idea to take standard safety precautions when traveling, such as being aware of your surroundings and avoiding walking alone at night.

The city is plagued by widespread drug trafficking, which has become a major problem. Additionally, bribery and corruption are also prevalent, further exacerbating the issue.

It is crucial for visitors to stay away from illegal drugs and to be cautious of individuals who attempt to bribe them or behave corruptly.

It’s important to keep in mind the possibility of housebreaking when living in Nonthaburi. Taking steps to ensure the safety of your home and keeping valuable items out of sight can help prevent this type of crime.


Located on the eastern coast of Thailand, Pattaya is a well-known city that enjoys a moderate crime rate.

It’s important for those who plan on visiting Pattaya or other areas of Thailand to be aware of the potential dangers and risks that come with travelling. It’s always better to take precautions to stay safe and protect yourself while exploring this beautiful country.

In Pattaya, corruption is a serious issue that continues to plague the city. There have been reports of officials taking bribes and engaging in corrupt practices, which has led to a sense of distrust among the locals.

Breaking into houses is a prevalent crime in urban areas, particularly in peaceful neighbourhoods during nighttime.

It’s important to take precautionary measures such as securing your lodgings and hiding valuable items to ensure their safety.

It’s always important to be cautious and keep yourself safe while travelling. One way to do this is by avoiding carrying large amounts of cash with you. Additionally, it’s essential to be aware of pickpockets and take necessary precautions to protect your valuables.

Si Racha

Si Racha, like several other Thai towns, has a relatively low crime rate, with a crime rate index of 43.87.

In the area, theft, home invasions, and vandalism are frequently occurring crimes.

It’s important for visitors to take precautions when it comes to securing their accommodations and keeping valuables out of sight. This can help prevent any unwanted attention from potential thieves who may be looking for an easy target. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so taking these extra steps can go a long way in ensuring a stress-free and enjoyable trip.

It’s important for tourists to be aware of potential pickpockets and bag snatchers in busy areas such as markets, shopping malls, and public transportation. Being vigilant and mindful of your belongings can help prevent any unwanted incidents during your travels.

Si Racha is an area where drug-related crimes are quite common.

While Si Racha may not have as high of a rate of violent crime compared to other areas in Thailand, it is still important for tourists to exercise caution and remain attentive to their surroundings. Taking necessary safety measures can help ensure a more enjoyable and secure experience while visiting this location.


Located in southern Thailand, Phuket is a well-known island province that boasts a moderate crime rate.

It is crucial for tourists visiting various parts of Thailand, including Phuket, to be aware of the potential risks that they may encounter during their stay and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety.

It’s no secret that theft is a common occurrence, especially when it comes to motorbikes and personal belongings left unattended on the beach. This is why it’s crucial for visitors to take precautions and keep their accommodations locked and secure at all times. It’s also wise to keep valuables out of plain sight to avoid tempting any potential thieves.

It’s important for visitors to be cautious of scams they may encounter during their travels. One such scam to watch out for is overpriced transportation, which can quickly drain your budget. Additionally, fraudulent tour operators may try to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists by offering fake services or inflated prices. Stay vigilant and do your research to avoid falling prey to these types of scams.

As you explore Thailand, it’s crucial to steer clear of illegal drugs. The area is known for drug prevalence, and the consequences of getting caught can be severe, including imprisonment and even death. So, it’s best to err on the side of caution and stay away from any illegal substances during your visit.


Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is widely known for its lively culture, mouth-watering cuisine, and rich history.

The city boasts a crime rate index of 40.36, indicating a moderate level of crime.

In the city, corruption and bribery have become major issues that are causing significant harm. Unfortunately, certain officials are engaging in these unethical practices to benefit themselves.

Corruption can take many forms, including accepting bribes to accelerate government services and disregarding safety regulations for construction projects. These are just a couple of illustrations of how corruption can manifest itself.

The tourism industry in Bangkok has been plagued by corruption, particularly among drivers and tour guides. This issue has persisted for some time and has become a significant concern for the city’s tourism sector.

Tourists may sometimes fall prey to overcharging or being taken to overpriced businesses as some drivers and operators receive a commission from these stores.

It is important to be cautious while taking tuk-tuks or planning tours. To ensure safety and reliability, it is recommended to opt for reputable services only.

Hua Hin

Nestled in the southern region of Thailand, Hua Hin is a charming coastal town that boasts of breathtaking beaches, lavish resorts, and a vibrant cultural legacy.

It’s important for those travelling to Hua Hin to be aware of the area’s moderate crime rate. According to the crime rate index, it’s currently at 38.09.

Crimes related to theft and drugs are common, especially in less crowded places or during late hours on quiet streets.

It is advisable for visitors to be cautious and keep their valuable items out of sight.

When it comes to Hua Hin, corruption is an issue that visitors need to keep in mind. It’s important to be vigilant and cautious in order to avoid any potential issues.

Corruption is another concern to be cautious of in Hua Hin, particularly among visitors.

Some officials may seek bribes in order to expedite visa or immigration proceedings, while others may request payment in order to overlook traffic tickets or other transgressions.

Furthermore, some tuk-tuk drivers or tour organizers may overcharge visitors or take them to costly shops in exchange for a commission from the shops.

When using tuk-tuks or arranging tours, visitors should exercise caution and only use reliable businesses.

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