Lawsuit filed After family members in Forestdale fell through a second-story deck

FORESTDALE, Ala. — On June 25, two family members fell from a second-story deck in Forestdale, sparking a lawsuit against the apartment complex.

To read the full lawsuit, click here.

FeNysha Jackson, 29, and Fernando Jackson Jr., 17, were heading up the steps to their home when the deck collapsed from beneath them, according to Morgan & Morgan.

According to the law firm, the two had “serious injuries” from the accident, including several leg and foot fractures, bruises, and cuts.

The lawsuit states that FeNysha Jackson was pinned under concrete when she fell and required many surgeries as because of her injuries.

As per to the lawsuit, the complex was aware of the dangerous conditions on the deck and “failed to warn the Plaintiffs of the unreasonably dangerous or defective condition of the premises.”

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