Immigrant justice group in Alabama criticizes Biden’s immigration executive order

A Birmingham-based organization advocating for immigration has voiced their concerns over President Biden’s recent decision to impose stricter restrictions at the southern border.

According to the Alabama Coalition for Immigration Justice, the newly implemented policy is not a viable solution to the crisis at the US-Mexico border. The coalition strongly opposes this policy and believes that there are alternative measures that must be taken instead.

Allison Hamilton, the Executive Director of ACIJ, expressed concern over the recent development that could potentially prolong the already lengthy wait for asylum appointments for thousands of individuals currently trapped in Mexico. “This will only exacerbate the problem,” she stated.

According to the group, they are in opposition to President Joe Biden’s recent executive order that prevents individuals from seeking asylum when more than 2,500 people are detained at ports of entry along the southern border for a week. The order mandates that individuals can only apply for asylum at the border again once the number drops to 1,500.

According to ACIJ, the consequences of this could be quite dangerous.

According to Hamilton, the individuals seeking to cross the border are in a vulnerable state and may resort to desperate measures. The concern is that people may attempt to cross the border or send their children unaccompanied.

Advocating for a policy rethink and exploring alternative options at the federal level is the stance taken by ACIJ, alongside other concerned parties.

Hamilton stated that there is a need for everyone in Congress to collaborate and work towards the reform of the immigration system.

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