Alabama Power team comes back home after assisting in power restoration in Texas

After spending over a week in Texas to restore power to those affected by Hurricane Beryl, hundreds of Alabama Power line workers and contractors have returned home. Thanks to their efforts, 99% of CenterPoint Energy customers now have their lights back on.

Two weeks ago, a category one hurricane hit Texas after tearing through the Caribbean, resulting in extensive flooding and power outages for over two million individuals.

According to Anthony Cook of Alabama Power, the aftermath of the storm resulted in numerous downed trees, broken power poles, and wires that needed to be cleaned up before power could be restored. It took a team of 350 personnel, including 300 contractors, 11 days of continuous work to finally get the power back on.

According to Cook, during events like this, everyone pitches in to help. Utility companies from various parts of the country unite to achieve a shared objective, and it’s all part of a system of collaborative support.

Cook mentioned that during Hurricane Idalia last year, they required assistance and had utilities come in to help in restoring power. This time around, they had the opportunity to reciprocate the gesture and provide aid to their partner by helping customers in Texas regain their power supply.

According to Alabama Power, their restoration team was able to repair and replace a total of 113 poles, 962 spans of wire, 83 transformers, 809 services, and 96 switches.

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