Call the Police if You See One of These Outside Your House in North Dakota!

Home safety is a paramount concern for residents of any state, and North Dakota is no exception. While North Dakota boasts a relatively low crime rate compared to many other states, it is not immune to the threats that can lurk outside our homes. Being aware of and vigilant about suspicious activities and items can be the difference between a safe home and a vulnerable one. This article aims to inform North Dakota residents about specific signs to watch for and the importance of reporting anything that seems out of the ordinary. All the information in this article is based on the report by Fox8.

Suspicious Vehicles

One of the first signs that something might be amiss in your neighborhood is the presence of suspicious vehicles. These could be cars that you don’t recognize, parked in unusual spots or staying in the same location for extended periods. They might also be moving slowly through the neighborhood or repeatedly passing by your house.

Examples and Case Studies in North Dakota

In Fargo, there have been multiple reports of vehicles lingering in residential areas without any apparent reason. In one instance, a white van was seen parked on a quiet street for several nights. Alert residents reported the vehicle to local authorities, who discovered that the van was being used by individuals planning a series of burglaries in the area.

Similarly, in Bismarck, a dark sedan was noted by several homeowners as it repeatedly drove past their homes late at night. When the police were finally called, they found that the occupants of the car were casing houses for potential thefts. Thanks to vigilant residents, the individuals were apprehended before any crimes could be committed.

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Unfamiliar Individuals

Another red flag is the presence of unfamiliar individuals acting suspiciously around your property or neighborhood. These individuals might be seen peering into windows, trying door handles, or loitering without any clear purpose.

Reports of Incidents in Various Cities

In Minot, a resident reported seeing a man wandering around her backyard and peeking into her windows. The man was dressed in dark clothing and had no reason to be there. The homeowner called the police, who responded quickly and detained the individual. It was later discovered that he had a history of burglary and was likely scouting the area for potential targets.

Grand Forks has also seen its share of suspicious individuals. A group of teenagers was noticed going door-to-door, claiming to be selling magazines. However, their behavior was erratic, and they seemed more interested in looking inside homes than making sales. The police were notified, and it turned out that the teens were part of a scam operation.

Unattended Packages

In today’s world, where online shopping is prevalent, seeing packages on doorsteps is common. However, unattended packages can sometimes be more than just deliveries—they can be a sign of something more sinister.

Dangers of Unattended Packages

Unattended packages can be used to gauge whether a home is occupied. Criminals might leave packages at a doorstep to see if they are picked up. If the package remains untouched, it signals that the residents might be away, making the home a potential target for burglary.

In Dickinson, an unattended package was found to contain harmful materials intended to scare the homeowner. Although such incidents are rare, they underscore the importance of being cautious with unexpected deliveries.

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Real-Life Examples and Advice

Williston residents have been advised to be cautious with packages that appear suddenly and are not from expected sources. One family reported finding a suspicious package that, upon investigation by the police, was found to be harmless but had been placed there to create fear.

If you receive an unexpected package, do not open it immediately. Instead, contact local authorities to investigate. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Unusual Objects and Markings

Criminals often use unusual objects and markings to signal to their associates about potential targets. These can include chalk marks on sidewalks, strange symbols on mailboxes, or even items like rocks or sticks placed strategically around your property.

Identifying Unusual Objects and Markings

In West Fargo, homeowners reported seeing strange markings on their driveways and sidewalks. These marks, which seemed innocuous at first, were later identified by the police as signals used by a group of burglars to communicate which homes were empty during the day.

Case Studies in North Dakota

In Mandan, residents found small piles of stones near their front doors. These stones were later found to be a method used by criminals to mark houses that had been scouted and deemed suitable for burglary. Thanks to the awareness of the homeowners and their quick reporting, the police were able to take preventive measures and catch the culprits.

How to Report Suspicious Activity

Knowing what to look for is only half the battle; knowing how to report it is equally crucial. If you notice any suspicious activity, here are the steps you should take:

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Steps to Take When You See Something Suspicious

  1. Stay Calm: It’s important to stay calm and not confront the suspicious individual or tamper with any suspicious objects.
  2. Take Notes: Observe and take notes of any relevant details, such as the description of the individual, vehicle make and model, license plate number, and specific behaviors.
  3. Use Technology: If possible, take photos or videos of the suspicious activity. This can provide valuable evidence for law enforcement.
  4. Contact Authorities: Call your local police department or emergency services to report what you have seen. Provide them with as much detail as possible.

Contact Information for Local Authorities

For residents in North Dakota, here are some key contact numbers:

  • Fargo Police Department: (701) 235-4493
  • Bismarck Police Department: (701) 223-1212
  • Minot Police Department: (701) 852-0111
  • Grand Forks Police Department: (701) 787-8000
  • Williston Police Department: (701) 577-1212
  • Mandan Police Department: (701) 667-3250

For emergencies, always dial 911.


In North Dakota, where community spirit and neighborly care are highly valued, keeping an eye out for suspicious activities and objects is part of maintaining a safe and secure environment. Whether it’s an unfamiliar vehicle, a suspicious individual, an unattended package, or unusual markings, recognizing these signs and knowing how to report them can prevent potential crimes and keep your neighborhood safe.

Vigilance and prompt reporting are key to ensuring that our communities remain safe havens for all residents. Stay informed, stay alert, and don’t hesitate to contact local authorities if something doesn’t feel right. Together, we can make North Dakota a safer place for everyone.

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