Identification of Local Businesses Involved in Human Trafficking Scandal

A mother and son team faced arrest after being accused of engaging in illegal commercial sex activities at their establishments in Texas and New Mexico. On March 21st, Xu Wang, 41, and Shaoping Wen, 64, were apprehended in New Mexico following a thorough investigation conducted by the FBI, Homeland Security, Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office, and the Clovis, Roswell, Wolfforth, and Lubbock Police Departments.

Neighboring businesses also noticed the women when they were dropped off from the airport, but they never saw them leave the parlors. Upon searching the parlors, the police discovered multiple beds on the floors, which fueled speculation that the women were living inside the parlor. Moreover, the women claimed to be Chinese citizens and stated that they were in the U.S. for work as laborers.

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