Individual accused in ‘Baby Skylar’ case makes appearance in Washington court

On Friday, she made a court appearance, bringing her one step closer to being extradited to Arizona.

Anderson’s attorney clarified in court that they did not file a petition of habeas corpus based on the governor’s warrant from Arizona. The purpose of the upcoming review hearing would simply be to confirm her transport to Arizona.

Police investigators utilized the technique of forensic genealogy, which ultimately led them to a relative of Anderson. Through DNA testing, it was established that Anderson is indeed the biological mother of the baby.

During Friday’s hearing, attorneys confirmed that the extradition process is underway for her to face charges in Arizona.

Maricopa County deputies have the option to transport her either by van or airplane. According to criminal defense attorney Russ Richelsoph, who is not involved in the case, they sometimes choose to use commercial flights for transportation. In such cases, the person being transported is handcuffed and accompanied on the plane.

According to Richelsoph, Anderson will have her initial appearance in court once she arrives in Arizona. Shortly after, her arraignment hearing will take place, during which the indictment will be unsealed.

According to Richelsoph, the judge does not allow individuals to plead guilty during the arraignment. This is because they have not had a chance to consult with their lawyers or review the evidence presented in the case.

Annie Anderson’s extradition is expected to take place in the next few weeks now that all the necessary paperwork has been signed. If everything goes as planned, she should be back in Arizona before March 29. However, in case there are any delays, there is a review hearing scheduled for her in Snohomish County, Washington on that same day.

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