Court appearance scheduled for Hialeah teen accused of murdering mother

Mocobizscene- On October 12th, an incident took place at the Amelia Oaks apartment complex situated at 211 W. 79th Place. In the initial video, Garcia advises her son in Spanish not to run. In response, he questions her in Spanish, asking why she continually instructs him not to run.

He swiftly returns to the apartment after a few seconds. Rosa described the knife as a large-sized kitchen knife with a purple handle. The detective inquires, “Was your mom asleep?”

Rosa confirms, “Yes, she was asleep.” The detective inquires, “And then she woke up?”

“Yes,” Rosa responds. The police inquire, “Did you mention anything else?”

“No, she simply screamed,” Rosa replied. The case has a tentative trial date set for February, but the start of jury selection remains uncertain.

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