Montgomery police officer arrested in Prattville on numerous ‘swatting’ charges

Mocobizscene-  A law enforcement officer in Prattville, Alabama has been arrested and charged by the Prattville Police Department for filing multiple false reports of an incident.

According to Prattville Police Chief Mark Thompson, a 23-year-old man named Christopher Eugene Sanspree Jr. from Montgomery has been accused of making six or more calls to the Prattville police over a span of three months.

During the incidents, Sanspree, who works for the Montgomery Police Department, was on duty. According to Thompson, he was arrested in Montgomery and then taken to Autauga County on February 7th. However, he was later released on bond.

WSFA 12 News contacted the Montgomery Police Department to inquire about any potential disciplinary actions and Sanspree’s current employment status. Capt. Raymond Carson, from MPD’s Office of Professional Standards, verified that Sanspree has been a member of the department for 28 months, was on patrol duty when arrested, and is presently on “administrative assignment.”

Thompson revealed that the false calls, commonly known as “swatting,” began on October 30th and persisted until late December. He emphasized that his department possesses evidence linking Sanspree to the false calls within their jurisdiction. However, Thompson acknowledged that the investigation may extend beyond Alabama, as they are collaborating with law enforcement agencies in Georgia, Wyoming, and Massachusetts to ascertain any potential connections between swatting incidents in those areas.

After being arrested, Thompson mentioned that the motive behind Sanspree’s swatting calls was still unclear. However, Thompson pointed out that Sanspree had admitted in one statement that he found it amusing.

Thompson didn’t hold back his anger when asked about his reaction to an on-duty officer allegedly committing these crimes and finding it amusing. “To be completely honest with you, it made me really angry,” he expressed.

“We already have enough to contend with when it comes to the image of police officers, and now we have someone pulling a stunt like this while on duty,” Thompson expressed. “It’s extremely frustrating for me and other law enforcement chiefs who work hard to maintain the honorable reputation of our profession. Actions like this only tarnish the image of law enforcement.”

According to Thompson, the department considers these incidents to be of utmost seriousness. He emphasized that some of these false calls have turned out to be ambushes, highlighting the unpredictability and potential danger that officers face when responding to such calls. Thompson also pointed out that as a police officer himself, the individual in question would have been well aware of these risks.

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