Officers in New York File Charges After Discovering a “Moving” Bag with Something Inside

Mocobizscene- Two men from New York have found themselves in a legal predicament following the arrival of law enforcement officers who were called to investigate an incident of questionable activity on a nearby bridge.

As the officers began their day, they were immediately struck by a rather eerie sight. Their suspicion grew as they glanced into the back of the men’s vehicle and noticed a bag flailing around in the cargo area. Little did they know, the contents of that bag would soon lead to trouble for the men.

Two men from New York were penalized for illegally catching striped bass out of season when law enforcement officers observed a “bag moving around in the cargo area” of their vehicle.

“What’s in the Bag?!” – New York Environmental Conservation Officers

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) is dedicated to safeguarding our state’s precious natural resources, which include fish and wildlife. In the early hours of Sunday, December 17, an Environmental Conservation Officer (ECO) swiftly attended to a report concerning two individuals who were suspected of illegally fishing from a bridge in Queens, NY. According to the NYS DEC, the following account transpired:

Officer Milliron arrived and located a vehicle suspected to belong to the pair. Through the rear window, he observed a bag flopping around in the cargo area… The ECOs escorted both men back to the vehicle and discovered the bag moving around in the cargo area contained six striped bass.

In Queens, NY, Environmental Conservation Officers discovered multiple striped bass that had been illegally taken out of season.

Striped Bass Season in New York State

In New York state, anglers can legally fish for striped bass in marine waters from April 15 to December 15. However, these men were caught two days outside of the designated season. Instead of keeping the striped bass they had caught, the men chose to release them back into the water. As a consequence, they were fined slightly over $1,000. It is worth noting the irony of this fine, considering that two other individuals from upstate New York were recently fined the same amount for a much more cunning and dishonest scheme.

Poaching Scheme Uncovered in Upstate New York

In Erie County, NY, two men recently admitted to poaching multiple large bucks. This reprehensible act has sparked outrage among genuine outdoor enthusiasts. What makes the situation even more deplorable is that the perpetrators resorted to deceitful tactics, such as creating fake social media accounts, to trick local wildlife photographers into revealing the locations of the deer in suburban areas.

To prevent suspicion, they even concealed their arrows inside hollow walking sticks. As a consequence of their actions, their hunting licenses have been revoked for five years, and they have been fined a total of approximately $1,075.

The NYD DEC and its Environmental Conservation Officers are constantly on duty, with the enforcement of state game laws being just one of their many responsibilities. Below, you can witness an incredible helicopter rescue that involved a collaboration between the NYS DEC and New York State Police. And as you continue scrolling, you’ll discover the heartwarming story of how a dog was saved from a precarious crevice at Minnewaska State Park.

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