These Are The 5 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in North Carolina

North Carolina is a beautiful state with a rich history, stunning landscapes, and a vibrant culture. However, like any other place, it has areas with higher crime rates. While focusing on dangerous cities is a common approach, pinpointing specific neighborhoods within those cities provides a more nuanced understanding of safety concerns.

This blog post dives into five North Carolina neighborhoods with higher crime rates. It’s important to remember that crime can happen anywhere, and this list is not exhaustive. Our goal is to provide you with information to make informed decisions about your safety and well-being.

This article explores ten North Carolina towns and cities with statistically significant crime concerns, drawing on FBI crime data.

The List

  1. Lumberton: This town holds the dubious distinction of having the highest property crime rate on the list. According to the FBI Crime Report, residents have a 1 in 16 chance of being a victim. Lumberton has also made national headlines for its violent crime rates.
  2. Kinston: While known for its restaurants and proximity to the coast, Kinston also grapples with a high property crime rate. The chance of falling victim is 1 in 13, placing it second on this list.
  3. Henderson: Despite efforts to improve, Henderson continues to struggle with property crime. Residents have a 1 in 10 chance of being a victim.
  4. Laurinburg: This small town near the South Carolina border shows a decrease in property crime, but a concerning rise in violent crime. The chance of property crime victimization is 1 in 16.
  5. Statesville: This charming town presents a surprising statistic. Residents have a 1 in 139 chance of experiencing a violent crime, placing it among the most dangerous in the state.
  6. Goldsboro: Property crime is a concern in Goldsboro, with a 1 in 17 chance of residents becoming victims.
  7. Rocky Mount: After a period of decline, Rocky Mount has seen a resurgence in crime. The chance of experiencing a violent crime here is 1 in 95.
  8. Smithfield: While crime rates have improved in recent years, Smithfield still makes the list due to a 1 in 18 chance of property crime victimization.
  9. Salisbury: The home of Cheerwine also experiences a mix of rising violent and property crime. Residents have a 1 in 128 chance of being a victim of a violent crime.
  10. Burlington: This foodie haven boasts more restaurants per capita than anywhere else in North Carolina, but it also struggles with property crime. The chance of residents being a victim is 1 in 20.

Important Considerations

This list is based on statistics and doesn’t paint the whole picture. Many of these towns have vibrant communities, safe neighborhoods, and ongoing efforts to address crime. Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Crime Rates Fluctuate: Crime rates can change over time, and positive initiatives can significantly improve safety.
  • Isolated Incidents: Statistics don’t necessarily reflect individual neighborhoods. Specific areas within a town may have higher crime rates.
  • Focus on Solutions: The goal is not to demonize these towns but to highlight areas where safety improvements are needed.

What You Can Do

If you live in one of these towns, or any area with higher crime rates, here are some proactive steps you can take:

  • Connect with Neighbors: Stronger community bonds can deter crime. Get to know your neighbors and look out for each other.
  • Support Local Initiatives: Find out what organizations are working on crime prevention and community development in your area. Volunteer or donate resources.
  • Advocate for Change: Contact your local representatives and express your concerns about safety. Push for policies that address the root causes of crime.

Remember, safety is a shared responsibility. By working together, we can create stronger, safer communities across North Carolina.

Additional Resources

  • Include the same resources listed in the previous article.


North Carolina is a great state with a lot to offer, but it’s important to be aware of potential safety concerns. By focusing on specific neighborhoods with higher crime rates, we can create a more informed conversation about safety and work towards solutions.

This blog post doesn’t paint a complete picture. Many of these neighborhoods have rich histories, strong community bonds, and dedicated residents working to make positive changes. Here are some additional thoughts:

  • Community Spotlight: In future posts, we will delve deeper into specific neighborhoods, highlighting community initiatives, success stories, and the voices of residents.
  • Beyond Crime Rates: Safety isn’t just about crime statistics. We will explore factors like access to quality education, healthcare, and recreational facilities that contribute to a neighborhood’s overall well-being.
  • Solutions-Oriented Approach: We will explore what’s being done to address crime in these neighborhoods. This could include community policing programs, social service initiatives, and economic development efforts.

Taking Action

If you live in one of the neighborhoods mentioned, or any area with higher crime rates, here are some ways to get involved:

  • Connect with your neighbors: Get to know the people who live around you. Strong social bonds can deter crime and create a sense of community.
  • Support local organizations: Find out what organizations are working on crime prevention and community development in your neighborhood. Volunteer your time or donate resources.
  • Advocate for change: Contact your local representatives and voice your concerns about safety in your neighborhood. Push for policies that address the root causes of crime.

Remember, safety is a shared responsibility. By working together, we can create stronger, safer communities across North Carolina.

Additional Resources:

  • North Carolina Department of Public Safety: provides crime data and resources for community safety initiatives.
  • National Crime Prevention Council: offers resources and tips for staying safe.
  • Nextdoor: is a social networking platform that connects neighbors and helps build stronger communities.

We hope this blog post has been informative. By working together, we can make North Carolina an even safer place for everyone.

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