The father of a 14-year-old who fatally shot a 13-year-old girl is facing trial

William Brown, 39, who is the father of the 14-year-old boy responsible for the fatal shooting of a 13-year-old girl almost a year ago, has begun his trial this week.

A jury was selected on Monday night for the trial of the first person charged under the Bennie Hargrove Gun Safety Act, also known as “Bennie’s Law,” in New Mexico. The law permits adults to be held criminally responsible for negligently allowing minors to access firearms. Brown is the accused in this case.

In March, a hung jury was the result of the trial of a teenager who was charged with second-degree murder, as well as tampering with evidence and assaulting a police officer. However, he is anticipated to be tried again in August.

Prosecutors on Monday accused the father of the boy involved in the shooting of being negligent in storing his firearms, leading to the tragic incident. The trial against the father has now begun.

If Brown is found guilty of the fourth-degree felony charges, he could potentially serve a prison sentence of up to 18 months.

According to Shane Maier, the victim’s family attorney, all eyes are on the trial of the first parent to be charged under [Bennie’s] bill. There is a lot of anticipation to see what will happen during and after the trial. Albuquerque, New Mexico, ABC affiliate KOAT reported this statement.

According to Maier, the enforcement of crimes prosecuted under Bennie’s Law hinges on the outcome of the case against Brown.

According to Maier, the primary objective of this law is to make parents aware that they can be held accountable for their children’s access to firearms. He expressed concerns that if the law is unsuccessful in the initial trials or if it is challenged in the appellate courts, authorities may revisit the possibility of revising the legislation.

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In 2021, a tragic incident took place at an Albuquerque middle school where 13-year-old Bennie Hargrove was shot and killed. This heartbreaking event led to the passing of Bennie’s Law in his honor.

In March 2023, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico gave her signature to the bill, making it a law.

Governor Lujan Grisham emphasized that responsible gun ownership is now a mandate in New Mexico. She stated that the bill aims to ensure the safety of citizens by requiring gun owners to take necessary precautions to secure their firearms.

After the legislation was passed, the Hargrove family, who had been fervent supporters, expressed their joy and appreciation. Vanessa Sawyer, the boy’s grandmother, stated that she was “proud and grateful” for the positive outcome.

Sawyer expressed the sentiment that the bill holds great importance for their family. He added that the purpose of the bill aligns with Bennie’s spirit of safeguarding young children’s lives. Sawyer believes that the bill will prove to be an effective measure in protecting and saving lives.

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