Possible Vision Loss in the Eye of Officer Nestor Santos

According to Springfield police authorities, Officer Nestor Santos sustained severe injuries when he was attacked on Thursday, June 6th, at around 10:30 p.m. He was sitting in his unmarked police car, located in the 600 block of State Street, while on his way to work.

After being shot in the leg and suffering a bullet fragment lodged in his head, causing serious damage to his eye, the officer was quickly taken to Baystate Medical Center by his team leader and another police officer. From there, he was airlifted to a Boston hospital for emergency surgery to address his injuries.

Additional surgical procedures are necessary.

The Springfield Police Department is currently gathering funds to support the expenses of the medical treatments.

To show your support for the “Nestor Santos Recovery & Support Fund,” you can send checks or cash to the Greater Springfield Credit Union located at 1030 Wilbraham Road in Springfield.

If you would like to contribute to the cause, you can donate to The Greg Hill Foundation and they will match up to $7,500. To donate, simply visit www.thegreghillfoundation.org.

You can easily make donations to the Springfield Police Patrolman’s Union Charitable Arm — 364 Gives via Venmo. Simply send your contributions to the account name @IBPO364Gives.

After dedicating seven years of service to Springfield, Officer Santos received the department’s most prestigious award, the Medal of Valor, in 2023.

Authorities have arrested and charged seven individuals in connection to the shooting of Santos as well as the attack on another police car. Thankfully, there were no injuries reported in the second shooting incident.

The individuals who were apprehended comprise of:

    • Robert Willis III, 18, of Springfield
    • Alberto Torres, 18, of Springfield
    • Unnamed 17-year-old boy from Springfield
    • Jamie Griffin, 31, of Springfield
    • Isak Font, 18, of Springfield
    • Dwight Clarke, 16, of Springfield
    • Unnamed 16-year-old boy from Springfield

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