Hamas and Israel remain entrenched after violent hostage rescue, while US promotes peace plan

During his visit to Cairo on Monday, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken presented a new cease-fire proposal. He called on Hamas to agree to a three-stage plan that aims to secure the release of all hostages held by militants and bring an end to the ongoing conflict. The Biden administration is pushing for this plan to be accepted.

After his meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Blinken urged governments and people in the region to press Hamas to agree to a ceasefire. “If you want a ceasefire, press Hamas to say ‘yes’,” he emphasized.

According to Sami Abu Zuhri, a senior Hamas official, Blinken’s remarks demonstrate the United States’ unwavering support for Israel and pose a hurdle to achieving peace.

Abu Zuhri accused Blinken of exhibiting bias towards Israel during his visit to Egypt. According to him, Blinken’s speech provides an American shield to the atrocities committed by the occupation in Gaza, which he refers to as a holocaust.

As part of its efforts to secure a U.N. Security Council vote on the cease-fire resolution, the U.S. has planned a trip to several countries, including Israel, Qatar, and Jordan. The Israeli government has reportedly voiced support for the plan, although there has been no confirmation from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

As part of his itinerary, Blinken was en route to Israel, where Netanyahu, who was energized by the successful weekend rescue of four hostages that garnered widespread praise in Israel, restated his position that the conflict would persist until Hamas is eradicated.

In a recent statement, Netanyahu expressed his unwavering determination for an all-out triumph. He emphasized that leaving the battlefield is not an option, not only in honor of the brave soldiers who have sacrificed their lives, but also for the future of their land. Netanyahu firmly stated that they have no other choice but to press on.

The impact of the hostage raid, which resulted in the unfortunate death of 274 Palestinians, on the cease-fire effort remains uncertain. Despite this setback, the State Department continues to emphasize that the agreement is mutually beneficial for both sides.

According to a statement released by the department, the Secretary will highlight the advantages that the cease-fire proposal could bring to both Israelis and Palestinians. The statement reads that he will emphasize how the proposal could alleviate the suffering in Gaza, leading to a significant increase in humanitarian aid. Additionally, it would enable Palestinians to return to their neighborhoods, which would be a significant benefit.

Benny Gantz, an Israeli War Cabinet minister, has tendered his resignation a day after being rescued from a ship in the Mediterranean Sea. The reason for his resignation is yet to be confirmed by his office, but it comes at a time when tensions have been rising between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Gantz is a former military chief who joined Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government earlier this year. His departure is likely to be felt as a blow to the coalition, which is made up of eight parties with differing political views.

What’s new:

According to Israeli officials who spoke to the New York Times, Hamas leaders have instructed their militants to shoot hostages if they suspect that Israeli forces are planning a rescue mission.

According to sources from both the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, the Biden administration is in the final stages of negotiating a treaty that would not only pledge U.S. assistance in protecting the Gulf country but also promote diplomatic relations between Riyadh and Israel. The Wall Street Journal reported on this development recently.

The Yemen-based Houthi rebels and financial facilitator Sa’id al-Jamal have been accused by the Treasury Department of illegally transporting oil and other commodities. As a result, sanctions have been imposed against 10 individuals, companies, and ships involved in these activities. The Houthis have been carrying out attacks on ships in the Middle East since November, citing their actions as a means of showing support for the Palestinians currently under siege in Gaza. The most recent round of sanctions targets shipping companies located in India, the United Arab Emirates, and Hong Kong.

Brian Nelson, the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, stated that the U.S. government is dedicated to impeding and weakening the Houthis’ capability to conduct assaults on naval and commercial ships.

After the massive Israel raid that resulted in the freeing of four hostages on Saturday, residents in the central Gaza refugee camp of Nuseirat were left to clear away debris and search for the dead. According to Palestinian officials, the raid resulted in the death of 274 people, including numerous women and children, making it one of the deadliest assaults of the war.

Jehad, who along with his family had been displaced multiple times since the beginning of the war, expressed their exhaustion and helplessness stating, “Enough is enough.” They recently fled to the nearby town of Deir al-Balah from Nusseirat and shared their plight.

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