Gypsy Rose Blanchard Defends Controversial Mother’s Day Post Amidst Threats of Violence

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is currently facing a significant amount of backlash due to her Mother’s Day tribute. In addition to dealing with the negative comments, she is also facing serious threats online. Despite the difficult situation, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is standing up for herself and defending her actions.

GRB informed TMZ that her TikTok tribute, which acknowledged her late mother Dee Dee along with other mother figures in her life, was specifically meant to express gratitude towards her stepmother Kristy and her boyfriend Ken Urker’s mother. She wanted to recognize their significant contributions and support throughout the past few years.

The intention of the post was not to disrespect Dee, as Gypsy mentioned her in a heartfelt tribute. However, many people were offended by it, and as a result, Gypsy has been receiving a flood of hateful messages, including serious threats to her safety.

In her clarification, she explains, “When I expressed my desire for my mother to be proud of me, some people misunderstood and thought I meant she would be proud of the crime I committed. That is clearly not what I intended. I meant that she would be proud of my personal growth and achievements, like obtaining my GED, becoming more independent, and learning valuable life skills such as cooking, cleaning, and managing my own finances.”

Despite disabling comments, GRB has received numerous negative messages in her DMs, including death threats, which Gypsy has reported. We have obtained some of these messages that are flooding her inbox, and it is evident that people are bombarding her. Most of these messages are from individuals who are criticizing her or worse.

In her defense, she explained that she believes she should still be able to celebrate Mother’s Day despite her own complicated relationship with her mother. She stated, “Just because of what happened with my mom, that shouldn’t mean I can’t wish the other women in my life a Happy Mother’s Day. I shared this message not because I am bold or audacious, but because I have supportive women in my life.”

Gypsy Rose spent 8 years in prison for her involvement in her mother’s murder. Hulu’s miniseries, “The Act,” portrayed their complex relationship, with Joey King and Patricia Arquette portraying the well-known mother-daughter duo.

Gypsy Rose had a lowkey Mother’s Day celebration where she spent the day with her stepmom. They enjoyed watching chick flicks and just relaxing. Gypsy even cooked dinner for Kristy, who received a teddy bear and a glass ornament as a Mother’s Day gift.

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