FBI Data Revealed the Most Dangerous Cities In Texas

Texas, the Lone Star State, boasts a reputation for big skies, friendly people, and a thriving economy. However, crime is a reality in every state, and Texas is no exception. To understand the current landscape, let’s delve into the latest FBI data on violent crime rates in Texas cities.

Crime in Texas: Context Matters

Texas has a lower overall crime rate than the national average. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, the national violent crime rate in 2022 was 3.66 per 1,000 residents, while Texas reported a rate of 3.42 per 1,000 residents. However, crime rates can fluctuate year-to-year, and these statistics paint a broad picture.

It’s important to remember that crime rates don’t tell the whole story. A city with a high crime rate might have excellent community policing initiatives or safe neighborhoods. Conversely, a city with a lower overall rate might have specific areas with concentrated crime issues.

This article will explore Texas cities with the highest violent crime rates based on the most recent FBI data (2022). However, it’s crucial to consider this information within a broader safety context.

Top 5 Most Dangerous Cities in Texas (based on 2022 FBI data)

  1. Beaumont, Texas: Nestled along the Texas Gulf Coast, Beaumont holds the unfortunate distinction of having the highest violent crime rate in the state. In 2022, Beaumont reported a violent crime rate of 10.07 per 1,000 residents. Aggravated assault is the most prevalent violent crime in Beaumont, making up over 60% of all violent offenses. Contributing factors to this high rate include gang activity and poverty.

The Beaumont Police Department offers a variety of resources for residents to stay safe, including neighborhood watch programs and a citizen academy. Residents can also sign up for crime alerts through the department’s website.

  1. Lubbock, Texas: Located in West Texas, Lubbock experiences a significant number of violent crimes. In 2022, the city reported a violent crime rate of 10.52 per 1,000 residents. Similar to Beaumont, aggravated assault is the most common violent crime, followed by robbery. Lubbock has also seen an increase in property crime in recent years.

The Lubbock Police Department works diligently to address crime concerns. They offer a “Citizens on Patrol” program that allows residents to partner with law enforcement for neighborhood safety. Residents can also access crime statistics and safety tips on the department’s website.

  1. Houston, Texas: As the most populous city in Texas, Houston also has a significant number of violent crimes. In 2022, Houston reported a violent crime rate of 11.14 per 1,000 residents. Violent crime in Houston tends to be concentrated in specific areas, and aggravated assault is the most common offense. Gang activity and drug trafficking are contributing factors to the city’s crime rate.

The Houston Police Department implements various strategies to combat crime, including targeted patrols in high-crime areas and community outreach programs. Residents can find crime maps, safety resources, and neighborhood watch information on the HPD website.

  1. San Antonio, Texas: While a popular tourist destination, San Antonio also grapples with violent crime. In 2022, the city reported a violent crime rate of 8.21 per 1,000 residents. Aggravated assault and robbery are the most frequent violent offenses in San Antonio. Factors like gang activity and poverty contribute to the city’s crime challenges.

The San Antonio Police Department employs a data-driven approach to crime prevention. They utilize crime analysis to identify high-crime areas and deploy resources accordingly. The department also offers a “Get Involved” section on their website, encouraging residents to participate in neighborhood watch programs and safety initiatives.

  1. Dallas, Texas: Texas’ bustling metropolis also experiences a higher violent crime rate. Dallas reported a violent crime rate of 7.89 per 1,000 residents in 2022. Similar to other cities on this list, aggravated assault is the most common violent crime in Dallas. Poverty and gang activity are significant factors contributing to crime in the city.

The Dallas Police Department prioritizes community engagement to address crime. They offer a variety of programs, including a Citizens Academy and a “Crime Stoppers” initiative that allows residents to anonymously report criminal activity. Residents can also access crime data and safety resources on the department’s website.

Beyond the Numbers: Safety in Texas Cities

While the FBI’s violent crime rate is a valuable data point, it’s crucial to consider other factors when assessing safety in a Texas city.

Property Crime Rates Matter Too:

While not directly violent, property crime rates can significantly impact feelings of safety. Theft, burglary, and vehicle break-ins can create a sense of unease and disrupt daily life. Looking at both violent and property crime rates alongside each other provides a more comprehensive picture of a city’s safety landscape.

Individual vs. Neighborhood Risk:

It’s important to remember that crime rates are often localized within a city. A neighborhood with a strong sense of community and active neighborhood watch program might have a significantly lower crime rate than the city average. Conversely, specific areas within a city might experience higher crime concentrations.

Taking Precautions:

Regardless of the city’s overall crime rate, taking basic safety precautions is wise. Here are some general tips:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Especially at night, pay attention to your environment and avoid isolated areas.
  • Trust your instincts: If a situation feels unsafe, remove yourself from it.
  • Have a safety plan: Discuss a safety plan with family and friends, especially if you live alone.
  • Invest in home security: Consider home security systems or other deterrent measures for your residence.

Looking at Law Enforcement:

Law enforcement plays a vital role in mitigating crime. Most Texas city police departments offer a variety of resources for residents, including:

  • Crime data and statistics: Many departments provide online access to crime data, allowing residents to stay informed about crime trends in their neighborhoods.
  • Neighborhood watch programs: These programs encourage residents to work together to improve neighborhood safety. They often involve block captains who communicate with neighbors and report suspicious activity to the police.
  • Community outreach programs: Police departments often host community events and educational programs to foster trust and collaboration between law enforcement and residents.

Staying informed about crime trends and utilizing the resources available from your local police department are crucial steps in staying safe in any Texas city.


Texas boasts diverse cities, each with its own unique character and challenges. While the FBI data highlights cities with higher violent crime rates, it’s just one piece of the safety puzzle. Considering property crime rates, individual neighborhood risk factors, and the role of law enforcement paints a more complete picture.

Research is Key:

Before making decisions about living in or visiting a Texas city, take the time to research its specific crime statistics and safety resources. Most city police department websites offer this information readily.

Building a Safer Texas:

Ultimately, improving safety in Texas cities requires a multi-faceted approach. Community involvement, collaboration with law enforcement, and continued investment in crime prevention initiatives are all crucial steps.


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