An Alabama teenager dubbed ‘The Miracle Boy’ by Italians survives a 60-foot fall from a cliff while on vacation in Rome

Italians have nicknamed a teen from north Alabama who survived a 60-foot fall off a cliff while on a class trip in Rome “The Miracle Boy.” Despite suffering extensive injuries, the teen was able to pull through, earning him the well-deserved nickname.

According to Lindsey Sanderson, a New Hope resident who created a GoFundMe page for Hayden Hill, it’s nothing less than a miracle that he survived the fall. Hill and his family require a medical aircraft to return to the United States, and Sanderson is working to raise funds to make it possible.

Sanderson shared that Hayden fell off the cliff during a class trip which he considered as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, just after graduating from New Hope High School.

“He is called ‘The Miracle Boy’ in Italy,” she said.

According to the report, Hayden sustained multiple injuries during the accident, including a dislocated hip and femur, as well as severe damage to his ankle.

Sharon Hicks, the mother of the patient, has flown to Italy to be with her son during his hospitalization. It is anticipated that he will require further surgeries upon his return to the United States.

Sanderson stated that it is highly probable that Hayden would require transportation to the United States via a medical aircraft, an expense that is beyond their imagination. However, the priority remains to bring Hayden back to the states, regardless of the means or the expenses involved.

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