Lindsay Shiver, an Auburn cheerleader, has been arrested, along with her husband, Robert Shiver

Lindsay Shiver, a 36-year-old mother of three children and former pageant queen has been detained in the Bahamas for reportedly plotting to murder her divorced husband, Robert Shiver.

Former Auburn University football player Robert, 38, became the suspected target of this conspiracy.

Accidentally, the cops found out about the plan while looking into a different case.

During the investigation, Lindsay’s claimed plan to harm her husband was revealed.

Terrance Bethel, 28, named as Lindsay’s lover, and Faron Newbold, 28, were both seized for their suspected involvement in the conspiracy.

The community has been astonished by this horrific episode, which involves a woman who was formerly known for her pageant exploits and is now entangled in a major criminal case.

Authorities will work to bring clarity to this troubling situation and ensure justice is served as the investigation progresses.

Lindsay And Robert Relationship Timeline

Lindsay’s Instagram account sheds light on the couple’s early days, saying that they met in 2007 during a fitness class at Auburn University.

After three years of dating, the couple married in 2010.

Lindsay posted emotional photographs of herself and Robert with a beautiful comment about the essence of a successful marriage.

She expressed her appreciation for the chance exercise class that brought them together thirteen years ago.

She expressed her profound affection for her husband and looked forward to many more wonderful times together, celebrating the love, laughter, and life they have built together since.

Following his tenure at Auburn University, Robert supposedly signed as a free agent with the Atlanta Falcons.

Despite being released prior to the 2009 season, he has pursued other professional opportunities.

Robert currently serves as the executive vice president of Senior Life Insurance Company in Thomasville.

Grayson, Landan, and Rhett are the couple’s three children.

These peeks from their history and now depict a couple who previously treasured their bond and shared hopes for a bright future.

Lindsay Shivers With Her Family

The events of the past few weeks have surely shocked and devastated their community, leaving many questions and worries in their wake.

Auburn Cheerleader Lindsay Shiver Arrested- Husband Robert Shiver

Police discovered incriminating Whatsapp texts revealing the suspected scheme, which adds a sinister twist to the case.

These messages were discovered on the phone of a suspected thief at Grabber’s Bar and Grill in Great Guana Cay, Bahamas.

It is unknown whether the phone belonged to Lindsay, Terrance, or Faron.

Insights on the backgrounds of the individuals involved give light on the situation’s intricacies.

Lindsay and Robert possess a home in the Bahamas, where she and Terrance are said to have met.

After discovering of his wife’s alleged romance with Terrance, Robert, a former Auburn Tigers snapper, filed for divorce.

Lindsay, previously crowned Miss Houston County in 2005 and a runner-up in the National Peanut Festival pageant now faces accusations of orchestrating the murder of her estranged husband.

Following the divorce, she allegedly hired a hitman and paid him to carry out the diabolical plan.

Lindsay, Terrance, and Faron, the three accused, have been detained and transferred to Nassau, the Bahamas’ capital city, to face judicial processes.

They did not enter a plea during their initial court appearance and are expected to reappear on October 5.

More details may emerge as the inquiry develops, revealing the entire scope of this frightening conspiracy.

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