Woman Who Ran Bronx Day Care Where Toddler Died of Fentanyl Deleted 20,000 Texts Before Arrest: Police

Recently, a tragic incident occurred at a New York City daycare facility where four innocent children were exposed to fentanyl, resulting in the death of one child. The 36-year-old operator of the facility, whose husband fled with evidence related to the incident, is believed to have attempted to conceal the truth by deleting thousands of texts. The severity of this situation is truly heartbreaking, and it is crucial that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.

Regrettably, things did not go in favor of Grei Mendez, the owner and operator of Divino Niño Daycare in the Bronx. The investigators were able to retrieve all of the messages, which put him in a difficult situation.

According to sources within the New York Police Department, Mendez had reportedly erased around 20,000 text messages from her phone before the first responders arrived. It is speculated that the 36-year-old deleted all of her messages in one go.

Mendez received another blow on Tuesday as she was informed that she and her co-defendant, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, would be facing federal charges in addition to the state charges she was already facing. The news came after the tragic incident where four children, including a one-year-old, overdosed on fentanyl at a daycare center. The link to the news article provides more information on the incident and the charges faced by Mendez and Brito.

According to authorities, Brito, who happens to be Mendez’s cousin-in-law, was one of the individuals that the daycare owner contacted before dialing 911 to request an ambulance for 1-year-old Nicholas Dominici. The toddler tragically passed away on Friday due to an overdose of fentanyl. The daycare owner made the call after reportedly calling associates of a drug ring.

According to officials, Nicholas and three other youngsters were exposed to fentanyl while under Mendez’s supervision. The lethal drug was allegedly being processed and packaged in the same vicinity where the children were napping. Traces of the drug were discovered on the mats the unresponsive children had been sleeping on, leading authorities to suspect foul play. The incident highlights the critical need for careful monitoring and regulation of substances that can pose a serious threat to public health.

According to federal investigators, just moments before calling 911, Mendez contacted her husband, who authorities are currently attempting to locate. Shortly after her call, he showed up at the daycare center, but quickly fled through the back alley while carrying two full shopping bags, as alleged by prosecutors. Video evidence reportedly shows that he left with incriminating evidence, making it clear that he was in possession of something that could be linked to the tragic incident.

Afterward, a block of the artificial opioid was discovered inside a closet, where the sleeping mats were previously stored.

Mendez and Brito are facing serious charges from both the NYPD and federal authorities. The NYPD has charged them with murder, manslaughter, assault, and drug-related offenses. Meanwhile, federal authorities have charged the duo with conspiracy to distribute narcotics leading to death and narcotics distribution resulting in death. It remains to be seen how these charges will play out in court, but the allegations against Mendez and Brito are certainly grave.

According to insiders, it remains uncertain whether Mendez will be confronted with further accusations, such as tampering with evidence or obstructing justice, due to his deletion of the texts.

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