Cancer survivor fulfills dream of becoming Cobb County police officer at age 10

In Cobb County, a young boy’s wish was granted.

Make-A-Wish Georgia made it possible for a young cancer survivor to fulfill one of his dreams.

Arya Patel, a 10-year-old, had always dreamt of becoming a police officer, and he recently had the opportunity to experience it firsthand.

After being sworn in by the Cobb County Police Department, he embarked on a full day of activities.

“It feels incredible, absolutely amazing. I have always had a deep admiration for police officers, witnessing them apprehending criminals and upholding justice. So, naturally, I have always had a strong desire to become a police officer,” expressed Patel enthusiastically.

Since 1980, Make-A-Wish Georgia has been fulfilling the wishes of over 9,000 children who are fighting illnesses.

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