Fox News Host Shocked Columbia University Isn’t Removing Protesters After Expiry of Deadline: ‘Only Encouraging Them Further’

Fox News anchor Sandra Smith expressed astonishment at Columbia University’s inaction as the deadline for protestors to disband passed without any consequences for the students.

“And John, it’s not just Columbia, right? We’re receiving live pictures from UT now, where we’ve been observing protests for the second week. According to our producer on the ground, the protests at UT are intensifying. Students can be seen locking arms in a circle around the tent encampment. Police presence has increased on the lawn, with a drone flying above them. They are forming a circle by linking their arms and chanting, ‘Whose lawn, our lawn,’ among other things,” Smith reported.

Co-anchor John Roberts noted that if the movement gains momentum at the University of Texas, it is likely that a similar response to what was witnessed last week will occur. He mentioned that the Texas State Troopers and the University of Texas Police are expected to intervene and disperse the crowd if necessary. He also made a reference to Columbia University, which is currently attempting to hold its commencement ceremony on May 15th.

“They just informed the students that if they refuse to leave, they will face suspension. However, they did not mention any plans to forcibly remove them. So, it seems like the reaction we’re witnessing is mainly due to Columbia’s warning that these students might lose their academic year if they don’t evacuate. Nevertheless, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the students won’t face any consequences even if the deadline passes and the camps are cleared,” Roberts explained, emphasizing that many students will no longer have official student status.

Smith was left in a state of shock and disbelief, expressing his astonishment by saying, “But, I mean, you’re actually giving them even more approval if you establish a deadline and then fail to adhere to it, without enforcing any consequences.”

According to Roberts, he believes that the authorities will likely proceed with the suspension of the individuals involved. However, he emphasized that at no point did they indicate any intention to completely disband the camp.

Smith dismissed the idea of suspending them, questioning the feasibility of officials identifying each and every individual in the crowd. He expressed skepticism, wondering if such an approach was realistic.

Roberts responded, “Didn’t Columbia mention that they know who they are?”

Smith hesitantly agreed, saying, “Well, okay.”

Roberts believes that the protesters do indeed engage in violent behavior. This was evident at the University of California in Los Angeles, where fights broke out over the weekend. In an attempt to restore order, the school had to intervene by using metal barricades to separate the opposing sides.

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