Trump Is Gaining Popularity Among Latinos Because He Delivered The American Dream | Opinion

Mocobizscene – Democrats are in a state of panic and disbelief as recent polls reveal a significant surge in support for President Donald Trump among Hispanics. This isn’t just a result of survey data; it’s a reality that can be observed in my own community of Hidalgo County, Texas. With Hispanics comprising over 90 percent of the population here, the early voting figures from the primary elections indicate a seismic shift in the political landscape. Republican turnout has seen a staggering increase of 48 percent since 2020, while Democratic participation has experienced a sharp decline of 34 percent.

The numbers speak for themselves, indicating a significant change that could potentially spell trouble for the Democrats.

From 2006 to 2018, Democrats enjoyed significant success in winning over the majority of the Latino vote. However, a shift in dynamics occurred thereafter.

Under the Trump administration, Hispanics experienced a remarkable economic resurgence after years of a sluggish economy following the housing crisis. Prior to the pandemic, Hispanic unemployment reached record lows, the Latino poverty rate significantly decreased, and we led the nation in the establishment of new small businesses. Additionally, our border security was at its strongest during this time.

It was a tragic series of events as Democrat-led states continued to enforce strict COVID-19 restrictions. These policies caused severe harm to small businesses, had a long-lasting impact on our children’s education, and hindered our economic recovery, ultimately leading to a significant rise in inflation. These outcomes were not merely unfortunate; they could have been largely avoided.

President Biden’s inflationary policies have had a detrimental effect on all Americans. However, Latinos, who are mostly working-class and often have larger families, have been hit especially hard by these policies. As a result, we now have less money available to support and provide for our families.

Meanwhile, our communities are becoming more and more frustrated with the escalating border crisis. It’s understandable: as Hispanics, we have firsthand knowledge of the immigration system. We see 10 million people breaking our immigration laws and bypassing our relatives and friends who have patiently waited for years to come here legally. We are no strangers to the devastating impact of fentanyl in towns and cities across the nation. We are well aware of the economic consequences of porous borders and the strain that illegal immigration puts on local infrastructures. And let’s be clear: we are not okay with any of this.

We take great pride in our cultural background, and instead of considering ourselves victims of racism, we perceive our community as embodying the essence of the American Dream. This is not just a slogan; it is my personal journey. As a resilient single mother who triumphed over adversity to establish a thriving small business and currently represents one of the most densely Hispanic regions in the United States in Congress, I am a living testament to the reality of the American Dream.

President Trump also understands the value of our community, and he has consistently demonstrated his support through his policies. Unlike some politicians who are overly concerned with political correctness, Trump speaks bluntly, much like your favorite “tio” and many Hispanics. Importantly, during his time in office, our country experienced positive changes under his leadership.

In Washington, I am actively championing Medicare and Social Security, improving healthcare access for women, and making healthy food options available to low-income children. As President Trump has emphasized, our party must continue to innovate in order to tackle the intricate policy challenges that Americans, including Hispanics, are facing. It is not only about advocating for low taxes, but also about proactively addressing these issues to better serve our communities.

As we advocate for the well-being of working families and the security of our communities, Democrats seem to be struggling, uncertain even about how to refer to Hispanics, as the Biden White House reduces us to being simply associated with tacos.

The Democrats are in disarray, which presents a unique opportunity for the Republicans to make unprecedented gains with Latinos. It is crucial for them to seize this moment and establish a multi-ethnic working-class coalition that can pave the way for a revitalized American century.

Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz serves as the representative for Texas’ 15th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.

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