Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, son of Spanish actor Rodolfo Sancho, has been arrested in Thailand for murder

Daniel Sancho Bronchalo is being charged in connection with a heinous murder.

Police verified to NBC News that the 29-year-old chef was arrested in Thailand and charged with premeditated murder and concealing and removing body parts to cover up the death or cause of death of Colombian cosmetic surgeon Edwin Arrieta Arteaga.

Sancho, the son of Spanish actor Rodolfo Sancho and actress Silvia Bronchalo, was caught shortly after body pieces were discovered at a dump on the Thai island of Koh Phangan, according to the site.

In a statement released to Reuters on August 6, his family asked for “maximum respect, both for Daniel Sancho himself and for the entire family, in these delicate moments of maximum confusion.”

Daniel Sancho Bronchalo

According to police captain Sucheep Chadakarn, who talked with NBC News correspondent Nat Sumon, the YouTuber admitted to killing the 44-year-old on Aug. 2 after he said he requested Arrieta to end their relationship, explaining that he was engaged to someone else in Indonesia.

According to authorities, Sancho said Arrieta did not agree, so he punched him, causing his head to hit a bathtub. According to officials, he said that Arrieta then bit him on the hand, which enraged him and caused him to hit Arrieta’s head into the tub until he died.

Sancho admitted to dismembering the body, according to Chadakarn.

The inquiry is still ongoing, according to Thai authorities, while the search for the remainder of Arrieta’s remains continues.

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